International Women’s Day: #BreakTheBias

Submitted by Sherri Smith, SI Central Alberta

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:

  • celebrate women's achievements

  • raise awareness about women's equality

  • lobby for accelerated gender parity

  • fundraise for female-focused charities

According to the United Nations, International Women’s Day started in America in 1909, when the Socialist Party of America took to the streets to honor garment workers who had protested against inhumane working conditions the year before. They called it National Women’s Day, and it took place on February 28.

 The first International Women's Day was observed on March 19, 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. That day, more than one million women and men showed their support by participating in public events. In the years that followed, other countries began to observe and celebrate this day.

The United Nations recognized 1975 as International Women's Year and began celebrating IWD on March 8, later adopting a resolution designating March 8 as International Women's Day.

 IWD is an official holiday in 27 countries around the world, and in China, Madagascar and Nepal the holiday is for women only!

International Women's Day is not country, group, nor organization specific. No one government, NGO, charity, corporation, academic institution, women's network, or media hub is solely responsible for International Women's Day. The day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.  

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is #BreaktheBias

Strike the IWD #BreakTheBias pose

Imagine a gender equal world…

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge women's equality.

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias

Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to level the playing field.

Will you actively call out gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping each time you see it?

Do we still need an International Women's Day?

Yes! There's no place for complacency. According to the World Economic Forum, sadly none of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes, and nor likely will many of our children. Gender parity will not be attained for almost a century. 

There's urgent work to do - and we can all play a part.

#BreakTheBias #IWD2022 #SICentralAlberta #WomensEquality


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